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Selectmen's Minutes January 9, 1996
 January 9, 1996

Present:  Judy Murdoch, James Haggerty, Chairman, Peter Jones.  Charles Flynn arrived at 8:45 p.m.

7:35 - Announcements

        Clarification of Selectman's ability to declare emergency.  Did so on 1/8/96.  Motion Murdoch, 2nd Jones.  Voted 3-0.  We will discuss policy for rest of winter at next meeting.

        Announcement on behalf of Building Inspector - Clear flat roofs or have someone do it for you.

7:41 - Continuation of hearing for Northland Cranberry.

        Chief Huska reported:  Single wall construction according to C.M.R. 527, Sec 9.03, Table I, Part C.

        Regs:  527 C.M.R., Sec. 9 of Part G, Propane Tanks.

Motion to approve license by Murdoch, 2nd Jones.  Voted 3-0.

Mr. Wilson agreed that if any of the neighbors still had concerns he would be happy to show them around his property.

Chief Huska described the construction of the containers (see above) and said that he was completely satisfied and that Northland had been completely cooperative.

7:47 - Chairman Haggerty read the letter from the District Attorney's Office regarding the two alleged violations of the Open Meeting Law, 10/23/95 and 10/25/95.

7:55 - Motion to go into Executive Session (#3) by Jones, second Murdoch.  Roll Call:  Murdoch - yes, Jones - yes, Haggerty - yes to discuss with Commissioners the Tower on High Street.  All three Commissioners were present as well as representatives from Marini's and Murray's office, and Diane Lothrup.

9:10 - Motion to go into Executive Session for ongoing negotiations (#3) by Jones, second Flynn.  Roll call vote- Murdoch, yes, Flynn, yes, Haggerty, yes, Jones, yes.

10:10 - Motion to adjourn.  Voted aye.

Respectfully submitted - Judith A. Murdoch